
Creating the 2018 UCCSC Web Site - For Today and the Future

Shawn DeArmond / Ahna Ligtenberg Heller

The UCCSC 2018 web site is the best ever! Ammirite folks?

A lot of planning and work went into creating and publishing the 2018 UCCSC web site, and we're going to show you how it was done. As a bonus, we'll show how future UCCSC organizing teams can take our work and implement it for the 2019 UCCSC... and 2020... and onward.  The framework isn't just limited to UCCSC; if you're organizing another conference, this might work for you too.

In this session, we'll cover:

Web Development and Applications

Implementing the Three Cs of Courtesy, Clarity, and Comprehension to Optimize End User Engagement

Courtney Kievernagel

User interaction is fundamental to successful IT operations within an organization. A disconnect between the end user point of view and the IT professional is growing. This talk will present examples on how to ease the strain of interacting with end users and provide insight on how to bridge the communication gap between the IT professional and they people they support. The skills used to communicate with the end user, in all IT career fields, are notoriously lacking.

Professional Development

Implementing HIPAA into your Zoom!

Wayne Fields

UCOP rolled out a strategic sourcing contract with Zoom in 2016.  Penetration was so successful that contract pricing fell by 10% in 2017.  With the availability of this new tool to enhance collaboration, there has been a desire to utilize the tool in many areas.  Some of those departments contain PHI where HIPAA compliance is expected.  This session will review a basic understanding of HIPAA; departments which may need to protect PHI; and how those departments can utilize the Zoom collaboration platform while ensuring HIPAA compliance.  Enabling the HIPAA configuration for Zoom will enhanc

Security and Privacy

A Tale of Two Factor

Kevin Dale / Erik Wieland / John von Eichhorn

UCSF has spent the last several years improving our security posture, including hardening systems, tightening border routers, expanding DLP, and adding other types of threat protection. A sudden increase in phishing pushed our rollout of two-factor authentication for VPN and email up by 6 months, to just before the holiday travel rush. It took a huge effort from many teams and stakeholders to get it done, but we successfully enrolled over 25,000 users in 3 weeks. Our CIO paid us the ultimate compliment, saying it was the quietest go-live he had ever seen.

Security and Privacy

How to Get Out of Your Own Way

Jessica Hilt / Allison Flick

This is a class about how to get better facilitating your own career success. Sysadmins and technologists are typically heads-down-work-hard types who do good work but struggle when it comes playing the business game to advancement and recognition of their work. This class will break-down some of the more cryptic areas of professional development into simple strategies that participants can implement immediately but, more importantly, won’t feel weird doing.

Who should attend: 

Professional Development

UC’s electronic information security policy – the all-new IS-3 is changing the game

Robert Smith

UC must managing cyber risk. Gone is a policy that tells you to write a policy. Time to think. Pick up you sparring gear and get ready to roll. UC has an all-new electronic information security policy that puts you in the cage. There are important new features in the policy that give Locations and Units both control and responsibility for fighting bad cyber actors. This session will overview how the policy operates, describe the features that address the main risk areas and show some helpful tools to fight bad actors by managing cyber risk.

Technology and Security Policy

From Service Desk to Scrum team: Unexpected Career Opportunities in IT (NEWLY ADDED SESSION)

Joleen Locanas

First, a look at ITSM career paths and the relationship to workforce development - why it is crucial to the health of an IT organization.

Next, a Business Analyst shares with you her journey through IT.

Then, get a glimpse at how a (non-development) Scrum Team drives organizational growth by utilizing tools and techniques from Project / Portfolio management, Agile Scrum, Lean/Six Sigma, Organizational Development / Change Management, and Business Analysis.

Women in Technology

UC San Diego’s Process Palooza: LEANing Toward Success

Mojgan Amini / Shawn Munro

Are you being asked to do more with less? We are. IT is often expected to perform magic by automating business processes, but that fails miserably when the process is cumbersome to begin with! Here at UC San Diego, we are committed to success by making our business processes sustainable and growing a continuous improvement mindset.

Professional Development