530 Alumni Lane
Davis, CA 95616
United States
William & Jean Allewelt Conference Room (105) - Alumni Center
UC San Diego launched a web application, Enrollment Authorization System (EASy) for students, staff and faculty to streamline the process of requesting and granting authorization to enroll in classes. The system facilitates the enrollment authorization workflow communicat
Compliance with accessibility standards is essential for allowing users of diverse technologies to access and interact with information on their computer, in apps, and through online sources.
UCOP rolled out a strategic sourcing contract with Zoom in 2016. Penetration was so successful that contract pricing fell by 10% in 2017. With the availability of this new tool to enhance collaboration, there has been a desire to utilize the tool in many areas. Some of those departments contai
Last summer a brand new Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) application was rolled out at UCSF to connect students using our learning management system (Moodle) to their class schedules.
First, a look at ITSM career paths and the relationship to workforce development - why it is crucial to the health of an IT organization.
Admit it: You have a certain way that you like to do things. Guess what? So does everyone else!
Dearly beloved,
Learn how google crawls your sites and how to optimize your website for search, from Adam Napolitan the Director of Web Communications at UC Davis.