
Gold Sponsor: ePlus - Cloud Bootcamp: At a glance

In this track, we’ll discuss key concepts to jumpstart your cloud transformational journey. OneCloud Consulting, a division of ePlus, is dedicated to providing exceptional technical education and professional services. Our team of experts combine skill, knowledge, and experience in providing quality education on Cloud Transformation, Infrastructure Automation, and Software Development.

Web Development and Applications

Building a UC Carpentries Community

Patrick Schmitz / Claire Mizumoto / Tim Dennis

We propose a workshop to bring together the community drivers and participants in the Carpentries activities ( This workshop will foster the development of a Carpentries community across the UC system; we will identify and enable the sharing of resources, materials, and good practices, and will brainstorm future activities to advance Carpentries work at our respective institutions.

Teaching, Learning, and Research

Supporting Active Research Data

Rick Jaffe

The Research Data Management program at UC Berkeley has, for the past three years, provided on-the-ground consulting to researchers from disciplines spanning the campus. Much of the program's effort goes towards what we call “active data” – the files created, collected, processed and analyzed while a study is in progress. Frequently, this equates to terabytes and terabytes of material; or millions of files; or personally identifiable information from surveys, interviews, observations and experiments.

Teaching, Learning, and Research

Leadership Is Not a Title

Jennifer Dodd


Leadership is not found in a title.  Discover the core qualities of leadership to improve your effectiveness as a leader or emerging leader. 

  • Characteristics of great leadership
  • Take a quick in-session assessment of your leadership skills and leadership gaps
  • Make an action plan – Something to take away with from attending this session
  • Empowering others - Why you should want leaders on your team

This session is for:

Women in Technology

Aggie Desktop - Mac Desktop Deployment with JAMF Pro

Anthony Shriver

Deploying Macs with JAMF Pro.  We will provide a high-level overview of Aggie Desktop, outline the initiative's goals and demonstrate the tools we use to achieve those goals, namely JAMF Pro.  Topics will include: an overview of UC Davis' JAMF infrastructure, tools used, how to meet the client's needs across four different academic and administrative departments, and our successes and challenges we found along the way. 

Professional Development

Looking Through Your Windows: The Personal and Professional Privacy Implications of Using the Windows Operating System

Toby Barber

This session will discuss privacy and security issues with the residual artifacts created when using the Windows operating system. The features and functionality of the Windows operating system and applications provide a rich user experience but along with the usability benefits comes privacy trade-offs and forensic evidence for security investigations.

Security and Privacy

How robust apps are made

Gary Scott

Are you a hardware person and want to know how the other half lives? Are you a software person who wants to make your code better? Are you an app admin who has to put out fires every day because of fragile software? Anyone can write code which gets the job done, but there are a lot of different things that go into making a robust application. Come get a high level, language independent survey of tips, tools, and techniques that will help you give your customers the best experience possible. We will discuss topics such as testing, isolation, monitoring, and code structure.

Web Development and Applications

Enterprise Apps on a Consumer Grade Budget: a patient-friendly tablet-based secure consent form integrated with electronic medical records, powered by Qualtrics, Apple, KioskPro and the Epic API.

Eric Meeks / Oksana Gologorskaya

The UCSF Precision Medicine effort and the research enterprise need to obtain consent from patients in order to use remnant blood and biological specimens for research. Patients are often happy to consent, but the process is often bogged down by reliance on old-fashioned pen and paper forms that are difficult to scale up.
