Description: Join us for a discussion on how we created the PrEP-Rx tool using the agile methodology to support San Francisco’s Getting to Zero initiative. PrEP-Rx aims to educate health care providers on HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and assist providers in appropriately targeting patients at increased risk for HIV acquisition, initiating PrEP when appropriate, and providing guidance on the ongoing monitoring and adherence counseling of PrEP patients. The research team will give an overview of the research and share their experience working with developers and designers to launch a pilot study at the Zuckerberg San Francisco General HIV Clinic (Ward 86) and eventually roll out the PrEP-Rx tool to other clinics across the San Francisco Department of Public Health. We will discuss tips on how we iterated on this product to achieve actionable and measurable results, and advise on some of the lessons learned throughout the project.