Registration sold out very quickly! Over 500 people are now registered for UCCSC at UC Davis.
Here are some things to keep in mind:
- The wait list is first-come, first served.
- Creating an account on the UCCSC website is not the same as registering for the conference.
- If you selected a comped option, we are validating those, but if you received a automated response, you are currently on the registration list.
If you're a session presenter, UCCSC Ambassador, or a draft registrant, we are saving a spot for you. UCCSC Registration Chair, Jason Fearing, will send you the registration link so you can complete it no later than this Friday, June 15.
Note that if you paid with a campus recharge account, it takes longer to validate than paying by credit card.
- You will receive an individual email with further instructions, and if applicable, a user-specific registration link. The email will come from Jason Fearing ( In the meantime, please send your inquiries to