Working Together: A Shared Education Data Solution

Stephen Bruer / Rebecca Miller

UCSF Schools of Dentistry, Pharmacy, and Nursing collaboratively developed and implemented a Shared Education Data Solution (SEDS)--a system to supplement our campus Student Information System with program-specific tracking capabilities to support the needs of teaching and learning. SEDS built upon a web application that was developed by UCSF School of Medicine in 2006. The key principles maintained through development were to leave the majority of functionality intact and to arrive at a shared set of requirements for any enhancements to the system.
Starting with a matured application and minimizing differences between schools was essential for multiple reasons. First, this coupled with the use of an offshore development firm, allowed us to reduce development costs--this project would have been financially unfeasible by each individual school. Second, with data needs on the rise, having all professional schools at UCSF on the same platform will allow us to more easily develop a campus-wide Education Data Warehouse.
This presentation will cover the project from inception through development and into implementation. We will explore the business drivers, gap analysis, funding, shared requirements gathering, and development approach, and the potential future implications of a successful collaboration.

Previous Knowledge

No previous knowledge required

Software Installation Expectation

No software required